Buried Treasure

Buried Treasure 1.0.22

Quick update due to Rust update
***** Delete Your Config File and Language File before Loading new Version *****

- Fix for Basic Treasure Maps using Uncommon Loot Table
- Fix for Custom Gold Coin Skin ID nto working when set to Custom ID
- Fix for Marking Maps when close to water, Should work MUCH better now to get a new random spot
- Fix for Treasure Box not accepting some items in Loot table, should now accept ALL items.
- Added Config Option to not allow Treasure To spawn near a Tool Cupboard. And config options to enabled and radius to check
- More Tweaks and fixes

* More stuff coming soon. like Monument checks when spawning, expanded Loot table options.
*** Please Backup and Delete your config file before updating ***

- Fix for sime latency issues caused by players holding mouse buttons down vs just pressing them for marking maps on global map
- Added config options for Gold Coins such as Skin ID, Item ID, Name and Description (Some items you cant set name/descriptions)
- Added config options for Descrtion/Info text for custom loot items (Some items you cant set name/descriptions)
**** Delete Your Config File or you will have issues ****

- Config file has changed alot. Please Delete your old one before loading new version.
- Recoded Loot tables to add chance, item min/max and skin id options in the Config.
- Added option to allow Team members to see treasure map markers in config
- Corrected Map / Gold not showing names and info from standard loot
- Added a Configurate Effect option when finding Buried Treasure. Can be set per Treasure Rarity. with a config option to enable or disable it all together. (default is enabled)
- More tweaks and changes .

Please check over the Config. some things have changed to default "Enabled" or "True".

I do have some more consolidation and other things I am planning for later in the future as well.
*** Unload Plugin, Delete config and reload plugin if you have any issues ***

- Added more fixes
- Gold is no longer removed when trying to "Sell" them when Server Rewards or Economics plugins are not installed.
- Gold / Maps can be Sold / Marked in two ways.
1. Place Gold / Map in a quick slot and right click on it with mouse cursor over it.
2. Place Gold / Map in quick slot, make that slot Active, and just right click mouse button.
- Gold / Map Names and Info in inventory should show correctly now. (hopefully)
- Fix for some odd Config issues when reloading plugin ..etc.
- Added : Colored Treasure Markers over the normal Loot Map markers for treasure, to show what Rarity of loot it is. Matches the Map colors pretty much.
- Added : Colored Treasure Markers scale with map size. if anyone sees they are kinda too big or too small on a certain map size. feel free to leave a note, i can add more size corrections if needed.
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*** If you have any issues, delete config and reload plugin ***

- Fixed Grid Location in message to player when marking Treasure Maps
- Fixes for gold/map spawn chances in standard loot and treasure maps. Should work better than before i hope.
- Changed how gold/maps are spawned in to loot containers. now they spawn when player loots container vs when the loot container spawns. seems to help performance.

more coming soon.
*** If you have a version older than 1.0.15 currently, delete your config and lang files first ***

/ fixed the null error when doing /markmap when not holding a map
*** Delete your config and language file first ***

- quick fix for possible looping issue if player is not near land when marking map and the config is set to only allow maps to be marked on land.
*** Please Delete your config file first before updating ***
- By default, Buried treasure will no longer spawn in the water. You can change this via new config setting to allow treasure under water or not.
- Added Localization for messages and help text.
- Possible Performance tweaks to fix a few things.