
HomesGUI 1.4.22

Updated the monument detection code to make it more reliable.
Added "CanTeleportFromSafeZones" config option (default: true) to block players from teleporting from safezones.
- Combat block is now checked upon teleportation
- You can now remove other players' homes via '/delhome player home' (use /listhomes player to view other players' homes). You must have the 'homesgui.deleteothershomes' permission to use this.
- "/home add name" and "/home remove name" now perform their respective functions.
- Added the 'CanTeleportFromMonuments' option to disable teleporting from monuments
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- Fixed buggyness when teleporting away from a water junk pile
- Added "homesgui.resetdatafile" command
- Updated the Homes GUI top bar so it now shows number of homes used and max homes
- Fixed a bug which would update the players GameObject name
The data file is now saved on server (map) save.
- Daily uses remaining will now show in the top left of the GUI (with the cost, if the daily uses has run out to 0 and this functionality is enabled)

- Added 'homesgui.viewothershomes' permission, which will allow players (and admins) to view other players' homes via the command '/listhomes {name}'
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Reactions: Corrosive and MalS
Added a toggle in the GUI for deleting homes.
Added a new config option, SleepingBags -> Disable SetHome Command, to disable the /sethome command.
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- Blocked players from teleporting from the hot air balloon
- Added config options to enable/disable players teleporting from the cargoship and hot air balloon