Catapult and More

Catapult and More 2.0.3

Updated for 5/4 Rust update for NetworkableId changes
**** if you have any issues. delete your config files and reload plugin ****

Catapult Update 2.0.2

- Added config option to not allow players to toss themselves with catapult
- Possible fixes for players getting stuck when being tossed and hitting a wall.

Ballista Update 2.0.2
- Added config options to only allow damage to players, default is True. So it will only hurt players unless you change it.

Guillotine Update 2.0.2
- No changes
*** Delete any config, language file and plugin you have first ***

- Complete rewrite for Catapult, Ballista and added new Guillotine to play with too.
- They now will save on server restarts and plugin reloads.
Please watch the new video on overview page for more info and how to.
NOTE : The plugin names have changes, i remove the S in front, its now just Catapult and Ballista. as well as the Guillotine.
Catapult updated to 1.1.8
- updated "wheels" to barrels so they do not go invisible anymore.
- updated box to stash box to prevent culling.

Ballista updated to 1.0.5
- updated "wheels" to barrels so they do not go invisible anymore either.
There are no more arrows on the decks, they where removed a while back.
*** Config options have changed for Catapult, if you have issues, delete config and reload plugin ***

CATAPULT updated to 1.1.7
- added config option to only allow placement of catapults on building part you have built.
- fixed spawn users bypassing cooldown when set not to.

BALLISTA updated to 1.0.4
- added config option to only allow placement of ballista's on building part you have built.
Catapult Updated to Version 1.1.6
- Fixed issues where things where multiplying what they do,, such as adding more range, rotating catapult.
- Cleaned up a few other things too.

Ballista Updated to Version 1.0.3
- Added configuration file with more options such as damage amount, number of spears shot out each time, cooldown time..etc.
- Changed the way the ballista rotates, more like the catapult. does not need to destroy object first.
- Prevented damage to ballista, but foundation/floor is on will still be damageable.
Catapult update to 1.1.5
- tweaked some coding to help prevent players from going thru walls when they are thrown.
- some other coding tweaks/cleanup

Ballista not updated.
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Catapult Update 1.1.4
*** If you have any issues, remove config file and reload plugin ****

Edit: - and you can also rotate catapult with arm in the UP position .
- Removed using Reflection; some server hosts would not allow usage of plugin with it in.
- Tweaking impact / collision detection coding to be more precise.
- All catapult parts do not take any damage, just the foundation / floor it is on.
- Removed some other unused coding

Ballista - No update , same version 1.0.2
- Some things almost done, added config, fixed spears on deck positioning, blocked damage to all parts but the floor/foundation, better coding and options will be added.
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- Added config option to change default command range of catapult.release command. makes it easier to throw yourself from catapult now.. lol
- Added invisible skin to chair when player is tossed.. it may take a time or two for the skin to load, but it should be invisible while going thru air.
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Reactions: godankorgohome
*** Delete your config file if you have any issues and reload plugin ******
Catapult Update 1.1.2 :

- Added RaidBlocker option. When enabled and NoEscape plugin is installed, all players within the Raidblock radius (config option) will be effected with a raid block. Default radius is 200.
- Changed the way the catapult rotates. Now catapult does not loose any items when rotating left or right.
Ballista 1.0.2 : Not Updated