
TeleportGUI 2.0.20

Fixed typos regarding /tprhere
Added support for custom chat icon
Fixed some typos which was preventing certain objects being cleaned up correctly
Changed plugin cleanup on unload
Dismount players when teleporting
Unparent from anything the player is parented to, not only a select few cases
Destroy TP requests when disconnecting from server
Fixed config option AllowTeleportToRaidBlockedPlayer not being used
Added config option HideAdminsInUI to remove admins from the GUI player list
Added config option AllowTeleportToMounted to block teleporting to mounted players
Added config option AllowTeleportFromMounted to block mounted players teleporting
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Reactions: James
- Addressed an issue which could cause issues with players teleporting from junk piles
- Added some additional checks for the 'RequestTimeOut' NRE bug
- Added config options (AllowTeleportFromOilRig/AllowTeleportToOilRig) to block teleporting to/from oil rig(s) (default: false)
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Reactions: Mimmo
Addresses the RequestTimeOut NRE bug.
- Fixed the "teleportgui.autoteleport" permission not existing
- You can now specify a user ID when using the /tpr (and similar) command(s).
- Moved all the settings toggles in the top of the UI into a separate "settings" menu
- Added an option for TP auto-accept (permission: "teleportgui.autoaccept")
- Added a config option ("AllowAutoAcceptOnHereTPs") to disable auto-accept on here TP's (default: false)
- Show the small UI for sleepers if there are less than or equal to 25 sleepers on the server (previously it would always show the large UI)
- (hopefully) finally fixed the "RequestTimeOut" null reference exception error
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Reactions: VinylFresh
Now shows player names when multiple players were found with the matching name.
Important: you will need to delete your lang file or update the "MultiplePlayersFound" message with the following before installing this update: "Multiple players were found with the name {0}: {1}"
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Reactions: Samshoun
Fixed a bug which would prevent the cost text from appearing on the large scale UI.
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Reactions: MalS
- Fixed an issue which could cause players to be refunded Economics / ServerRewards cost even if they were not originally charged (thanks for the report @Bloody Mikey)
- Added a 'Daily Limit Remaining' counter in the top left of the GUI (thanks again for the suggestion @Bloody Mikey)
- Added some additional error checking to try and combat 'NullReferenceException' errors
Fixed an issue which could cause intermittent 'key already exists in dictionary' errors on teleport. Thanks for the report @Treythan.
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Reactions: MalS