
TeleportGUI 2.0.20

Added command /tpback <playername>
Added command /homeback <playername>
Added command /warpback <playername>

Added permission
Added permission
Added permission teleportgui.warps.back.admin

Added permission teleportgui.seeall, players with this permission can view the entire player list when friendlies only is enabled
Record positions for /homeback functionality
Fixed incorrect localization string when /homeback without a valid return location

Added permission "teleportgui.warps.back"
Added permission "teleportgui.warps.back.bypass"
Added chat command /warpback and required functionality

Auto accept friends only allows auto accept when players are mutual friends
Added config option "[Friends Plugin] Only shows friends that are mutual friends in player list (slow)". This option is slow and its recommended to avoid enabling it. With the way the friends API works, you are essentially doing a lookup to get all of the players friends, then another lookup for each player on that list to confirm mutual friendship
Fixed InvalidOperationException when clearing teleporters on plugin unload
Added permission "teleportgui.hideingui" which will hide players with it in the player selection list
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Reactions: Cdiehm
Implement missing home data wipe on new save
Fixed "Require payment to teleport after daily limit has been reached" showing the highest option in the UI instead of lowest
This update requires Chaos extension v1.0.11. This fixes a issue when loading the data files introduced in the new Chaos version
Perform wounded check for warp, home and tpb teleport
Added hostile teleport condition to config, with option to only check when warping
    "Can teleport if hostile": {
      "Only check when warping": true,
      "Can teleport if target player has condition": false,
      "Can teleport if player has condition": false
Fixed instances where LastOnlineTime was not being assigned. Credit to @tbird412
Added permission "teleportgui.admin' required to use the admin console commands
Added the following console commands;
- tpadmin wipehomes <user_id> - Wipe the homes for the specified user
- tpadmin wipelocations <user_id> - Wipe the locations for the specified user
- tpadmin wipetpusage <user_id> - Wipe the TP usage data for the specified user
- tpadmin wipehomeusage <user_id> - Wipe the home usage data for the specified user
- tpadmin wipewarpusage <user_id> - Wipe the warp usage data for the specified user
All commands accept '*' in place of the user ID to apply the command to everyone