
Earthquake 0.1.7

This is for the coming Rust update. Do not update prior to the game update!
Removed the shake effects that have thud sounds and added a variety of other shake effects, all with a similar movement range so its more of a trembly feeling
Removed a bunch of sound effects and added more of the destruction type sound effects
Added a bit of randomization to the effect loop so its not so linear
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Reactions: Black Cobra RO
Dont quake players in helicopters, HAB, boats or cargo ship
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Reactions: Agonos
Possibly fixed automation?
Added hooks OnEarthquakeStarted and OnEarthquakeFinished
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Reactions: TeeJayAwreka
Added config options for earthquake event automation
Fixed console command error when supplying no arguments
Restricted building damage tick and apply damage manually to prevent excessive load on servers with many buildings