
MyBot 1.0.25

Changed spawn order.
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You should be able to select a sit target and he should go sit there. cars/boats/heli/horse/
He should no longer attack anyone in your team id guard mode is on.
he will attack the sit entity if there is a hostile non team member in the seats.
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Reactions: TeeJayAwreka
Added back in MyBot needing ammo can be set in config default true.
Added back in guard mode.
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Reactions: TeeJayAwreka
Player turrets should not attack mybot if owner is auth.
mybot will only target turrets if turret attacks them.
mybot should auto attack any target attacking him or owner if he has no current target.

If im missing anything please post here in the comments.
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Reactions: TeeJayAwreka
Fixed weapon changing if belt was not full of items.
Gather mode Added back in to new version.
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Reactions: TeeJayAwreka
Attempt fix for error RemoveAt
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Delete old config.
MyBot can now heal if he has med pens in his belt..
Added health bar below player health and you click the health bar to have him use a med pen.
Read all old update notes if you have not updated at all this month.
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Added in hostile time to player and bot.​

fixed to allow bot in outpost and hostile time now applies to player as well as the bot if bot becomes hostile..

Total Rework of the plugin. Read Note..

Delete your config and old datafile and lang file.
This is still beta so you do not need to update to this version unless you want to help bug testing.

Currently working bomber mode gathering of tree nodes and ore nodes. and Attacking animals/npc.
And looting npc." and kits via config "
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Reactions: TeeJayAwreka
fixed /mybot come chat command.
Read all update notes before updating.
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