NPC Taxi

NPC Taxi 0.1.17

Fixed for Rust update
Disable client swap seat button while in a taxi
Added config option "Setup and allow taxi's to be called via telephones (disables chat command)". You may need to increase your wait time as some phones are quite far away from where a taxi can pickup
Null check scientist in OnTurretTarget hook?
Fixed refund only giving back scrap instead of the set currency
Slightly increased sensor cast radius
Slightly increased sensor cast distance at lower speeds
Rotate sensor pitch towards next checkpoint for better detection on surface angle changes
If the 3 forward sensors all register hits and only 1 diagonal sensor registers then use the diagonal avoidance delta
Fixed auto-stop and reverse on collision proximity when all 3 forward sensors register a hit
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Reactions: Paul Strand
This update requires a updated version of the extension! It is located at the same URL as listed on the overview. You will need to restart your server after updating the extension

Support for road prefabs
Reduced cost map blur size so the center of roads always have a cost of 0
Support for Clans and Friends as passengers
Support for ServerRewards and Economics as payment type
Clamp vehicle tier and set default config value
Adjust maximum slope angle dependent on tier of components in the engine so low tier vehicles dont try driving up steep hills they wont make it up
Changed config chassis type to int "Chassis Type (0 = TwoModule, 1 = ThreeModule, 2 = FourModule)"
Added config option to set the tier of components placed in the engine "Engine component tier (1 - 3)"
Prevent looting engines
Fixed scrap dupe
Show different message for free rides
Toggle headlights at sunset and sunrise
Added customizable costs per permission in the config