
Trains 1.0.5

*** Changed the way data file saves please do this first ***
1. Make a backup of your data file first.
2. Delete you config file.

- Big change to how data file saves. Plugin will make a new folder to save the data file at \oxide\data\Trains.
**** When you load the new version of the plugin, it will create a new Trains save file located in \oxide\data\Trains. You can unload plugin, copy your backup data file back to that new location, then reload plugin. Now it will be using your previous data file.
- Data save files can now be created, changed and loaded on the fly.
- new Command /train.setconfig configname - this will create a data file with specified name if it doesn't exist, or load the data file if it does. Default name for data file is Trains
- new Config option to specify name of Data file. Does the same as the command above pretty much. just via config file.
- Fix for angle speed not adjusting when going backwards
- Corrected commands in the help text
- performance boost for network checks
- added Custom Train Type 5 - this one uses can use any prefab you want. Default is the Rowboat. would make a fun Log Ride Roller coaster i thought. :) Prefab string can be changed via config file.
*** Remember to be careful on what you use, test prefabs out first. Alot will not spawn as they are not real entities, some will have errors while running other may crash server. just test first.
*** If you have any issues, delete your config and reload plugin ***

- Added option for trains to speed up and slow down depending on angle its moving at. uphill will be slower, downhill will speed up. (works well for Roller coaster car )
- Added option to not un parent players who are sleeping or disconnect while on the train. which would make them fall thru the floor and possibly die or lay there waiting for someone to kill them :)
- Added checks for the Show Lines, Marks and stops buttons to only toggle if user is Rust Admin or Mod. Non Server Admins / Mods will not be able to see them anyhow, this just prevents possible issues if someone was trains.admin and toggled them on.
*** Delete your config file first, was only 2 things on it anyhow, now we have a few more config options ***

Tester note : For any Testers of the Beta 1.0.3, this version is different than other version 1.0.3.

Lots of changes to help performance when using Track Editor.
- Change : Marker lights are removed. When marking the location of waypoints, a red X will appear for a short amount of time to show you where it was marked.
- Change : Marker lines now show for selected track only. And show for pre-configured amount of time in config. You can toggle it as much as needed
- Change : Marker Text now shows for selected track only. And show for pre-configured amount of time in config. Now only shows the waypoint index number. you can toggle it as much as needed.
- Change : Stop marker Text now shows for selected track only. And show for pre-configured amount of time in config. Now only shows the stop point index number. you can toggle it as much as needed.
- Change : Added buttons for all Show waypoints, Show line and show Stops for current selected track.
- Change : when opening track editor, it will auto select first track in list and open the edit part automatically.
- Change : GUI is now 1 entity instead of 3, back end stuff you prob wont notice.
- Add : Current track is now highlighted in green on the list.
The GUI has changed up a little, nothing too bad, but overall by showing the lines, text for only a short period of time, we can control performance issues much better.

Added more Train car types
- Added Train Type 3 - A early version of a Engine Car.
- Added Train Type 4 - A Roller Coaster type car, with 6 mountable positions.
* in the works is speed of trains based off angle. so coaster car can really speed up going down hill.

More Stuff
- Change : Sleepers no longer stay on train. when player disconnects or goes to sleep while on train, they will be removed from train.
- More tweaks and fixes. More to come.
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** Fix for players being kicked due to all players being flooded with ddraw lines and text.
Now only user of editor mode will see Lines and Text.
*** Temp fix for Players kick due to command flood by the lines for marking track. will fix soon.