Clans REBORN 3.0.35

Added kick permissions
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Reactions: zzzJam
Added leave and disband permissions
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Reactions: Kleementin
Removed tag filter when admin is renaming clan
Added config options "Custom tag color minimum value (hex)" and "Custom tag color maximum value (hex)" to specify an allowed range when setting custom tag colors
Added config option "Allow clan leaders to set custom tag colors (BetterChat only)"
Added chat command "/clan tagcolor <XXXXXX (hex)>"
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Reactions: Samshoun
Added alliances to clan info
Check player is clan member before checking if they are owner when kicking (not sure how its getting that far if the target isn't already in the clan?)
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Reactions: interdome
Fixed "Wipe clans on new map save"
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Reactions: interdome
Fixed message formatting for promote/demote success broadcast
Changed FF toggle message
FF won't prevent damage to yourself
Added messages when trying to injure a clan mate or allied clan mate with their respective ff toggled
Added config options to only allow clan owner and council to toggle CFF/AFF for whole clan
Added case-insensitive clan lookup via clan tag
More team shit
When adding clan tags, try and use their covalence name before their display name to prevent tag stacking in the circumstance where somehow unloading the plugin doesnt reset players names correctly
Remove player from existing team prior to creating a new clan (if clan teams are enabled)