
DynamicCupShare 3.1.9

Pre-patch for the next Rust update. DO NOT UPDATE UNTIL RUST HAS UPDATED!
Updated for hook deprecation
Check collection for player in OnPlayerRespawned, add player to collection if missing
Added config option "cupboardAuthMaxUsers (0 is disabled)" to cap the amount of players who can authorize on a cupboard at any given time
Fixed SamSites targeting
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Reactions: Old School
Should fix turret NRE?
  • Added SamSites to the global turret sharing functionality.
    This has two options:
      "Functions": {
        "includeSamSites": true, // enables/disables the whole samsite check
        "samSiteShootEmptyVehicles": false // stops shooting on empty/driverless vehicles
    This is a first stable draft and is for sure not yet perfect...
  • Re-activated Blocker "IceSheet" check
  • Replaced any old (now unsupported) colornames in the defaults with their associated hex values
  • Overhauled all used custom authorize automations for TC's and AutoTurrets
  • This should prevent any recent unexpected re-authorization's (for example while raiding) when the object owner is'nt authed anymore and turret was fully taken over
  • Since its already late here, i hope i didn't miss anything :cool: If not, plz report to me as detailed as possible