Lock-on Rockets

Lock-on Rockets 0.3.19

PlaneCrash fix ?
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Reactions: TeeJayAwreka
Added ModularCar and HotAirBalloon lock types
Increase helicopter distance to target so state is reset earlier
When targeting the patrol helicopter, if the heli does not have a target and gets hit by a lock on rocket it will move towards the firing players position
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Reactions: ZEODE
Pre-patch for the next Rust update. DO NOT UPDATE UNTIL RUST HAS UPDATED!
Added config option to set maximum lock distance for each lock type
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Reactions: Serge
Add Reserved1 to ignore layer mask so ZoneManager zones don't interfere with targeting
Updated for hook deprecation
Don't target stashes for stash esp
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Reactions: Zuddles
Full rewrite, new config
Easier target locking, target will remain locked providing you are aiming within 5 degrees of original localized aim point (depicted by the ddraw cube) and have a clear LOS
Rocket has 0.5 second delay before locking on to target
Split helicopter lock types (Attack, CH47, Minicopter, ScrapTransport)
Added NPC, RHIB, Rowboat lock types
Smoke rocket is now the homing rocket (no destroying fuckery) with smoke effect disabled. Prefab name for the smoke rocket projectile is "assets/prefabs/ammo/rocket/rocket_smoke.prefab" for those that exclude/include it in a PVE plugin