
ZombieHorde 0.6.18

Test OnNpcTarget for types that derive from BasePlayer
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Reactions: TeamTAGO
Split OnNpcTarget hook in 2 separate hooks with params matching the specific NPC types so the hook is not also called for animals
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Reactions: Kinesis
Updated for hook deprecation
Upload correct file
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Reactions: zzzJam
When populating corpse with random loot, clear the containers first incase any other plugins and adding their own loot
Upload correct file
Give murderers the scarecrow wrap if no kits are specified
Added config option "Members can be targeted by Bradley APC"
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Reactions: Tofu Ninja
Change hook returns
Change remove command to use the numbers displayed via "/horde info"
Added config option to set run speed for scarecrows (default 6.2)
Added config option to ignore sleepers when targeting