
CarCommander 0.2.76

Fix RaceTrack support
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Reactions: Justin P
Fixed hotwire command
Fixed vehicles consuming fuel when ignition is off
Fixed key copying
Fixed UI bugs when exiting as passenger
Applied some trickery so vehicles can actually take damage again (wtf FacePunch?)
Modified decay system to not deal decay damage if the vehicle is parked inside
Fix for Rust update
Removed held item blacklists since these no longer apply, you can still set whether drivers/passengers can wield weapons though

Quite alot has changed with cars in this Rust update, I think I have managed to sort it all, if not please report any bugs in the support thread
Added config options for radial damage when a car is destroyed
Fixed disappearing car glitch when using default car handling
Fixed glitched players when exiting a upside down car
Automatically eject players when vehicle is upside down
Added config option to allow players to flip upside down cars using the command /flipcar
Fixed keys left in trunk not restoring correctly
Prevent players stacking cars
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Reactions: DoC
Fixed ignition glitch causing insanely fast cars
Slightly moved dismount positions further away from the car
Added additional collision checks to dismount position
Added config option to disable custom handling settings and revert vehicle handling to default
Added config option to set cooldown times on the spawn chat command
Added permission ' carcommander.ignorecooldown ' to ignore spawn cooldowns

Changed the chat command /spawncar to be used as a player command only (Requires permission ' carcommander.canspawn ')
- All vehicles spawned with this command will be saved
- Players will be affected by cooldown times when using this command (unless they have the ignorecooldown permission)

Added new chat command /admincar which is exactly as /spawncar was previously (Requires permission ' carcommander.admin' )
- Vehicles spawned with this command are not affected by cooldown
- Vehicles spawned with this command do not save by default (Use additional argument 'save')

Changed 'clearcars' chat and console command to clear all vehicles spawned via this plugin, not just saved vehicles

Added optional 5th argument to the 'spawncar' console command to set rotation.
ex. ' spawncar 100 10 100 save 50' will: spawn at car at position (x - 100, y - 10, z - 100), save the vehicle, and spawn it with a rotation of 50 degrees

Fixed cars rolling down hills when spawned

Forgot to save cooldown data :p
Added config option to disable custom handling settings and revert vehicle handling to default
Added config option to set cooldown times on the spawn chat command
Added permission ' carcommander.ignorecooldown ' to ignore spawn cooldowns

Changed the chat command /spawncar to be used as a player command only (Requires permission ' carcommander.canspawn ')
- All vehicles spawned with this command will be saved
- Players will be affected by cooldown times when using this command (unless they have the ignorecooldown permission)

Added new chat command /admincar which is exactly as /spawncar was previously (Requires permission ' carcommander.admin' )
- Vehicles spawned with this command are not affected by cooldown
- Vehicles spawned with this command do not save by default (Use additional argument 'save')

Changed 'clearcars' chat and console command to clear all vehicles spawned via this plugin, not just saved vehicles

Added optional 5th argument to the 'spawncar' console command to set rotation.
ex. ' spawncar 100 10 100 save 50' will: spawn at car at position (x - 100, y - 10, z - 100), save the vehicle, and spawn it with a rotation of 50 degrees

Fixed cars rolling down hills when spawned